History of Rim Rock Dalmatians
Rim Rock Dalmatians is located in a semi rural section of Latrobe, Pennsylvania. My love for Dalmatians began when I got my first Dal in 1958. His name was Sport when my father brought him home for me as part of my Christmas present. He was approximately 10 months old and was in an abusive home. The family that owned him said he was untrainable and he was scheduled to go to a research lab to be tortured in the name of science. The grandfather of the family who owned him knew my father and asked him if he would like to have this dog since we had horses. We renamed him Buckshot and he was the best dog any 8 year old girl could ever hope to have. He was purely pet quality but he was a champion in my heart. While growing up, Bucky and my horse were my best friends. After Bucky died, I thought I could never love another Dalmatian.

A few years went by, but with such a hole in my heart I knew I had to have another Dalmatian. Being ignorant of how to find a good breeder in the early 70's I had a hard time finding one. I eventually found a litter of puppies being advertised in the Horse Trader newspaper and went to look at them. There was a black female with a blue eye and the runt which was a boy. I of course fell in love with the little boy and named him Caesar of Rim Rock. As you can see he took full advantage of his runt status and played me for all he was worth.
Of course you can't have just one Dalmatian so a year or two later I bought a bitch who became Daisy of Rim Rock. Daisy was bred to Long Last Lightning Strikes who was owned by Barb Greenspan. Barb mentored me and introduced me to the world of dog shows and to many of the exhibitors and breeders. Daisy became my foundation bitch and is behind quite a few of my dogs. She is pictured here in her later years.

I got my first show dog from Barb Greenspan and Kitty Brown. His name was Long Last Legislator and he was a Ch Panore Of Watseka son. His call name was Woody and he introduced me to the ups and downs of the show ring. I managed to get 6 points on him and a CD title but that was all it took to get me hooked. Woody is pictured here at our third show. We managed to pick up 2 points that day and he even went BOS over a special. Of course I had no idea what that meant at the time but that was the day that I decided what I wanted to do the rest of my life!