
CH RIM ROCK STOCKLORE MYSTIC MAKS TT has many offspring around the world. Here are pictures of some of them. All of Maks kids are black spotted and LUA since he can't produce anything else.

Maks first litter was out of (Bizzi) INT CH UKC/AKC GCH Rim Rock N Siobahn Keepin' Bizzi. The first one is (Emily) GCH Rim Rock's Raise Your Glass. Emily was my first LUA Champion and was from the first full LUA litter to be registered with the AKC. She picked up a 4 point major from the 6 to 9 puppy class at her first show. The was probably the best day of my dog show life! The second picture is of (Indy) C-ATE C-ATCH ARCHMX Rim Rock's Out Of The Blue TT TDI CGC BN CD, Indy is titled in many venues that I don't know anything about.


These two Dogs were from Maks second litter out of CH Proctor's Dappled Miss Moneypenny. The male is Rocky or formally known as GCH PACH Proctor's Sundial Nu Revolution MXP5 MXPS MJP7 MJPG PAX2 NFP CA BCAT. The female is Abby aka CH Proctor's Sundial Something Nu RE MX MXB MXJ MJB MXF T2B2 BCAT CGCA TKA.


These three dogs are from a Russian female Snezhnaya Melodys S Nevskih Ostrovov and was bred and whelped in Germany. The first one is (Brujo) BISS MULTI CH Somora's Great Xpectation who lives in Spain. The second one is (Haribo) INT CH Belgian Jr CH Somora's Greet The Future. He lives in France. The third one is (Glory) RKF CH Somora's Glimpse of Glory. She lives in Russia.




These two are from an unexpected father daughter breeding with (Emily) GCH Rim Rock's Raise Your Glass. I was mortified when it happened but the results were very nice. The first is (Brandy) Rim Rock's Toast to Sally Ann PCD BN RAE NA MAJ TKP. The other one is (Belle) CH Rim Rock's Second Alarm. Belle was returned to me and I showed her to her Championship.


This is (Hippie) CH Woodwynd All U Need Is Love At Abbey Road PCD BN AX AXJ OF CA BCAT. He is out of CH Woodwynd Tea Thyme At The Hardrock.

These two kids were out of GCH Patchmt Spring Thyme At Blackthorn TDX OA NAJ.
The first one is (Eliot) CH Lucas Legend & Patchmt's Maine Man of Blackthorn RN FDCH. The female is (China) Blackthorn's Tracks Of Maine TDX.

These two were out of (Bridgette) UKC CH Siobahn HTNUA Bridgette Levine. Bridgette was the first LUA to ever receive an AKC point. She hated the showring so she was not forced to compete but she has contributed nicely to the LUA gene pool. The two dogs pictured were never seriously shown so they have no titles but they made very worthwhile contributions as well. The dog on the left is (Channing) Siobahn N Rim Rock's Soulryder HMZNUA. The female is (Hope) Kingdom,Soulryde,Siobahn & Rim Rock Too,Who Knew.

This is (Nathan) who was bred and born in Germany. His dam is German CH VDH Christi ORMOND First Fairtale. He is German CH VDH Christi ORMOND New Age.

These two dogs were born in Australia out of the Australian bitch (Cleo) Adstaff Queen Of The Nile. The one on the left is Aust CH Adstaff Robert Schaible. The one on the right is Aust CH Adstaff Schaible's Legacy.

This is (Cruz) Can CH Happy Trails & Echoviews Mission NN Pawsable. His mother is CH Aberdeen's Que Sera Sera.

These two girls are out of (Mackinac) CH McDottie Mackinac Lady Of The Strait at Soulryde. The one on the left is (Callie) CH Soulryde N Rim Rock's California Girl FDC BCAT CC RD CGCA. The girl on the right is (Cleo) CH Soulryde N Rim Rock's Duchess Of Chatsworth CA TKN.

These two dogs were bred and born in Australia out of Edelevlek Gypsy Warrior ET JC. The male is named (Al) Edelevlek Ministry Of Mystery RN JC. His tail never stops wagging. His sister is (Jazz) Edelevlek Soul and Spirit.

These littermates were bred and born in Finland out of Beloe Zoloto Way To Success. The male is Aboensis Mystic Way Charizard. His sister is Aboensis Mystic Way Primarina.

This boy was bred and born in Germany out of Erysha Dobo aus dem Haus Punctum. His name is Kajugah aus dem Haus Punctum.

These two girls are from a litter out of AKC/UKC CH Woodwynd Mother Of Dragons. The first one in (June) Summertime The Livin's Easy. Pictured winning a 3 point major and BOB/BOBOH and onto an OH Group 2.
The second one is (Maddie) Woodwynd All In Good Time CA FCAT3 CGC TK1. She is well on her way to her championship title.